If you're new to Bethlehem, we want you to feel comfortable and in-the-know:
Order of Service We follow a service that's printed in the bulletin available from the ushers as you enter the church. Everything is printed for your convenience. Occasionally we will project the service on the screen. This is mostly for special times.
Standing and Sitting During the service we stand as a sign of reverence. This is usually during the opening hymn and prayers, the reading of the Gospel and General prayers. If this is difficult for you, please feel comfortable sitting.
Offerings An offering is collected during the service. Members of the church give regularly. Guests aren't expected to contribute to the offering, but donations are welcome if you feel so moved.
Prayer Cards If you have a prayer request please fill out one of the yellow cards in the pew in front of you. These are collected right after the offering.
Guest Book The Guest book is located to the left as you enter the church. If you're a guest and feel comfortable doing so please sign our guest book. We are glad you worshiped with us today and would like to get in touch.
Before the Worship Service we invite you to participate in Bible study, have some Coffee, juice and donuts and mingle - At 9:45am.
After the Worship Service we gather downstairs to chat, get to know people, and have a morning treat. Come meet folks, learn more about Bethlehem
A Variety of Activities take place at Bethlehem during week days and evenings – these are often listed in the back of the bulletin. To learn more about these activities and how to join in, contact the church office at (509) 457-5822.
What's the music like? We sing songs from the Lutheran Hymnal and also contemporary songs out of "The Best of the Best" (BOB) songbook.
How do people dress? There is no dress code. Some people choose to dress more formally while others are very comfortable dressing casually. It is not a big deal to us. We want you to be comfortable in whichever form of dress you choose.
What about my kids? Kids are welcome to worship with us. At this time there is no specific program just for children.
Can I take communion? We celebrate Holy Communion on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays of the month. We believe that Scripture teaches that the Lord’s Supper is a precious gift in which Christ comes to us. We believe that, as Jesus said, His body and blood are truly present in the Sacrament. We believe that we are sinners forgiven by Jesus Christ. We repent of our sins. We are baptized children of the one true God. As we partake of this Sacrament, we express our unity in faith. We come at Jesus’ invitation, for He is the Host.
Because the Bible also teaches (1 Corinthians 11:27-29) that this Sacrament may be spiritually harmful to those who are unprepared or lack true faith in Christ, our congregation practices close communion. Any who are not yet instructed, have doubt, or hold a confession differing from that of this congregation, and yet desire to receive the Sacrament, are asked to speak with our pastor prior to communing.
Even if you do not commune, you are welcome to come forward for a blessing. Simply come forward and, when kneeling, cross your arms over your chest. Non-communing children are also welcome at the altar.
How can I get connected? Come and worship with us or come to Bible class. We will welcome you and tell you more about what we do and why. We will not push you to join any organization or group in the church but would be happy to help you get involved in ministries that interest you.
Can I get a cup of coffee around here? Absolutely! Follow the crowd downstairs after services
Where are the restrooms? Downstairs there are restrooms at each end of the basement. Upstairs there is a restroom at the front left hand side of the church.
Where is the nursery? It is located at the front left of the church behind the restroom.
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